Our family has always supported all aspects of the military. The majority of our family has served in the military and we proudly support all veterans and military families.

On March 21, I was invited to participate in a Bosslift ESGR Refueling mission on a KC-135 Stratotanker. We flew out of Rickenbacker Air Force base to meet two F16 fighter jets over Vermont and Connecticut. We were loaded with 60,000 pounds of jet fuel and educated fully on all aspects of the operation. We were given all access to the plane, the military team and the mission.

This was an awe-inspiring day that simply reminded me why I am so dedicated to the military. The men and women in charge of this flight work hard, dedicate much of their time to being prepared for anything and have committed to the safety of our country.

I was offered the opportunity to lay down next to the actual boom operator and watch as we refueled an F16. The F16 was within 20 feet of our plane. The men and women of the 121 st Air Refueling Wing are courageous and inspiring. We were also able to learn more about the opportunities for employers and leaders in the community to support those in the National Guard or Reserve. Thank you to all military members and to the ESGR (https://esgr.mil) I was reminded, once again, why TemperaturePro Columbus offers discounts to all members of the military.