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Your Comfort Doesn’t Take the Weekend Off—Neither Do We! Saturday Appointments, Same Price! Book Now


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What do UV Air Purifiers Do In Your Home?

Indoor air quality is a significant concern for many homeowners, especially for those who suffer from allergies or asthma. While air purifiers can help reduce airborne contaminants such as pollen, dust, and pet dander, UV air purifiers offer a unique way to improve the air quality in your home. In this blog post, we will explore what UV air purifiers do in your home.

What is a UV air purifier?

A UV air purifier is a device that uses ultraviolet (UV) light to kill or inactivate harmful microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and mold spores. These devices work by exposing the air to UV-C light, a type of ultraviolet light that is effective at killing microorganisms.

How do UV air purifiers work?

UV air purifiers work by using a combination of filters and UV-C light to remove harmful contaminants from the air. The air first passes through a pre-filter, which captures larger particles such as pet hair and dust. Then, the air is exposed to UV-C light, which kills or inactivates any remaining microorganisms. The air then passes through a final filter before being released back into the room.

What are the benefits of using a UV air purifier?

  • Improved indoor air quality: UV air purifiers can help improve indoor air quality by removing harmful contaminants from the air. This is especially important for those who suffer from allergies or asthma, as these devices can help reduce the number of allergens in the air.
  • Reduced risk of illness: UV air purifiers are effective at killing or inactivating viruses, bacteria, and mold spores, which can help reduce the risk of illness. This is especially important during cold and flu season when viruses can easily spread through the air.
  • Low maintenance: UV air purifiers are low maintenance devices that require little upkeep. The only maintenance required is to replace the filters periodically, which is a simple and straightforward process.
  • Easy to use: UV air purifiers are easy to use and require no special skills or knowledge. Simply plug in the device and turn it on to start purifying the air in your home.
  • Cost-effective: While UV air purifiers may be more expensive than traditional air purifiers, they are a cost-effective solution in the long run. UV air purifiers do not require expensive replacement filters, and the UV-C bulbs used in the device have a long lifespan, typically lasting several years.

Are there any drawbacks to using a UV air purifier?

One potential drawback of UV air purifiers is that they are less effective at removing larger particles such as pet hair and dust. This is because the UV-C light is only effective at killing or inactivating microorganisms, not removing larger particles from the air. For this reason, it is often recommended to use a traditional air purifier in conjunction with a UV air purifier to achieve the best results.

In conclusion, UV air purifiers are an effective way to improve the air quality in your home. By using a combination of filters and UV-C light, these devices can help remove harmful contaminants from the air, reducing the risk of illness and improving indoor air quality. While there are some potential drawbacks to using a UV air purifier, the benefits far outweigh any disadvantages. If you are looking for a cost-effective way to improve the air quality in your home, a UV air purifier may be the solution you need.

Reduce Your Summer Cooling Costs in 6 Easy Steps

With summer just around the corner, it’s time to start dialing your home’s temperature down a few degrees. If you’re like us, you like to keep your air conditioning bill low; here are a few ways to keep your cooling costs as low as possible even in the peak of the summer heat!

1. Turn on those fans!

This is an easy way to keep your home cool without cranking the thermostat. Turn on your ceiling and standing fans to keep the cool air in your home circulating.

2. Seal windows and doors

Poorly sealed windows or doors can let the hot outside air seep in, which means your AC system has to work even harder to cool your home. Weatherstrip your windows and doors and fill any cracks or holes that might be letting in outside air.

3. Properly maintain your home’s AC system

If you’re not taking care of your cooling system, you’re not maximizing energy efficiency, in fact, you’re costing yourself more money in the end. Keep up with routine maintenance and cleaning on all of your equipment (air filters, floor registers, evaporator, condenser coils, etc.) so that your home stays cool this summer without costing you a fortune! If you’re not sure if you’ve been taking proper care of your system, call us! One of our expert service techs will come out and take a look for you.

4. Get a programmable thermostat

You don’t need to cool your home as much when you’re out of the house or asleep, so program your thermostat to set to a higher temperature during these times. If your house is too warm for your liking when you return home or wake up in the morning, set your thermostat to gradually get cooler until it is at a comfortable temperature. Setting your system to a drastically cooler temperature won’t get your home cooler any quicker.

5. Use window treatments

The sun’s rays can beat down into your home through your windows and increase your home’s internal temperature, costing you more to cool it back down. Invest in some curtains or shades to block unwanted warmth from heating up your home.

6. Utilize outdoor grills

Cooking inside generates a lot of heat buildup, so, the less you cook indoors, the cooler your house will stay. Get outside and fire up the grill, there’s no better time than Summer! Additionally, hand washing your dishes will avoid the heat output of your dishwasher and keep your home at a steady temperature. And, if you really want to get back to the basics, avoid heat from your dryer by pinning up wet laundry on a clothesline!

Well, there you have it, six easy ways to keep your home cooler in the summer. If you’re having any trouble with your cooling system or just have a question and want an answer, give us a call! At TemperaturePro Columbus, we’re always happy to help. So stay cool & have a great summer!

Special Olympics

Our family has been involved in Special Olympics for many years, both as volunteers and as cheerleaders of 1 of our daughters.  We have experienced joy, pride, and many blessings through Special Olympics.  One of our children, Gracie, started competing by throwing a ping pong ball in the track competition and has progressed to being a star at the softball throw!  She also started out running the 15-yard dash and recently won the 40-yard dash at her competition.  Grace also competes in the basketball skills program and hopes to be able to play on a Special Olympics team next year.  Special Olympics is a place where Gracie shines and all attention is on her.  This is a place where her siblings are cheering her on instead of her waiting on the sidelines for them.  I have watched many, many athletic events, but the atmosphere at any Special Olympics event is difficult to describe.  It is, simply put, amazing and emotional. 

Recently, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Cash Drop held on September 30.  I was proud to be one of the many volunteers standing at the intersection of Bethel Rd and Sawmill Rd asking each driver to donate anything they could to Special Olympics.  Many, many people emptied their change trays into our buckets and others donated $20 or more.  My favorite part of the whole day was hearing people quickly tell me about their reason to support Special Olympics.  Everyone has a story, everyone has a reason to care.  Columbus proved that they supported Special Olympics because $28,962 was collected at intersections all over Columbus.  I am lucky to have been part of that day.  I extend a HUGE thank you to my friends and the TemperaturePro Columbus team who drove by, donated money and cheered on the volunteers.  Our entire team will be at that intersection next year, we just can’t wait!

Senior Living Festival 2017

Last week we had the pleasure of attending the Senior Living Festival at the Hollywood Casino.  What a great opportunity to meet some of our most seasoned and capable seniors.  At last count, more than 2400 people came to enjoy seminars on retirement living, Medicare options, and effective products/companies for this honored population.  We were able to speak with many of those present.  I enjoyed hearing some of their personal stories but also educating them on what TemperaturePro Columbus might be able to do to assist in their healthy living.  We spoke with many people that are preparing for their retirement, those who are actively caring for a senior and some just simply wanted to learn more about some community options. 

We are proud to support our senior population.  We were happy to discuss air cleaners, humidifiers, preventative maintenance or simply the best slot machine at the casino.  Our entire team enjoys going into the community and getting to know people.  It was a great day for all involved.

Huntington’s Disease Society of America | Celebration of Hope 2017

Those who have met me are aware that I am a huge supporter of the Huntington’s Disease Society of America.  I have been involved at every level of this fantastic charity: locally, regionally and nationally.  This charity speaks to my heart and often draws strangers in once they hear the story of a family impacted by Huntington’s Disease. 

We recently attended one of their biggest charity events and had a great time.  We were thrilled to be able to support a meaningful charity, see old friends and thank others who continue to donate time and money to this worthy and highly rated group.  The event was held at King Avenue Five with great service, food, and beverages.  We highly recommend King Avenue 5 for another night of food and enjoyment.  All of those in attendance laughed and enjoyed the comedy of Dino and Friends from Sunny 95! 

These events take great effort with planning.  Wendy Vaughan and her entire planning team deserve the biggest “high 5” for their impressive and unrelenting efforts.  The Silent Auction was varied and interesting, we had new and old friends attend this event and we were entertained by some well known Columbus celebrities.  The Nash family and the entire team of TemperaturePro Columbus supports HDSA and anyone touched by HD.